Thursday, September 8, 2011

Something Old and Somethng New

So to get things started, I started with an old favorite of my four-year-old, roast.  Aiden is not a big eater by all means, she mostly grazes all day long then won't eat a big meal come dinner.  It never fails that ten minutes before bedtime, she is starving once more, usually getting a bowl of Mini-Wheat's or Nutri-grain bar.  But for some reason, the kid loves roast. 
Personally I love roast too.  I make mine in the crock-pot and since we have been buying our meat fresh from the farm, it has never been better.  The fact that you can smell the aroma all day long just adds to the anticipation of the big "event", one reason that I am excited for the cold weather.  I usually make my roast with a can of condensed soup, some beef broth, either from a can or cubes, and some carrots.  For some reason, we don't like potato's that have been with a roast, because they taste too much like the meat.  Instead of the condensed soup, I opted for a dry soup and used it like a dry rub on the meat.  Then, because I forgot that I was making it for dinner, started it about two hours later than usual, which actually worked out for the best.  When I start the roast at 9am I find that I am turning the crock-pot off, or on warm, around 5pm, so as not to dry out the meat. 
The meal was a success to say the least.  Aiden had two helpings of roast, didn't care for the carrots though.  Carly was happy with the meal also.  She is easy to please for the most part though, and ate all of her carrots which made me happy.  This is one meal that will be added to my recipe book for more meals to come. 
Later this week I will try my hand at making a staple around our house, mac-n-cheese!  Have never made it from scratch so it will be interesting!

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