Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lemon Cake Cookies

Holy crap have I discovered the holy grail of cookies!!
I am a lemon freak, for some reason, it is my new obsession.  Anyways, a friend of mine had decided to start an annual cookie swap this year.  For those of you that don't know, myself included about a month ago, you get a group of people together, they all bake cookies, everyone baking a different kind of course.  Then they meet and exchange about a dozen cookies.  Depending upon the people that are coming, you will have a fairly large amount of cookies to bake.  I chose sugar cookies, for simple lack of enthusiasm and not being able to wrap my head around making six dozen cookies, yes, that's 72 freaking cookies, to GIVE AWAY!  I know that you get some in return, but still, that is a lot of cookie baking. 
So two batches of sugar cookies later, I had all I needed to give away, plus a little leftover for home.  Just had to include some frosting, you can't have sugar cookies without the frosting, and I wasn't frosting 6 dozen cookies.  So I added it in a little containers and put with each dozen. 
Getting to the exchange was a nightmare, because with two kids and husband that hunts, everything is in the late fall early winter.  But we made it, and there were some scrumptious cookies there.  Forgotten cookies, Tangerine Butter cookies, Snowball cookies, Peppermint Bark, Peanut Butter Blossoms, and Puppy Chow.  Of course we had to vote for our favorite one too, so of course, the lemon cake cookies won.  But these were the best cookie ever, they were moist, soft, sweet and chewy.  And the best part, you need four ingredients to make them!  FOUR!  Cake mix (any flavor with pudding in the mix), 1 1/2 cups cool whip, 1 egg, and powdered sugar.  Mix the first three ingredients, dip batter by teaspoonfuls in the fourth, and bake on a cookie sheet @ 350 deg for 10-12 min. 
And the best part, everyone in the house loved them!  Can't wait to try some other flavors!

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