Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The First Blog

Today is the first day of my new blog, Kids And Their Food, what to do, what to do. I have created this blog as a way for me to discuss, poke fun at, brainstorm, and analyze my children and their eating habits. We eat pop tarts for breakfast when dad isn't home to cook for us, nachos for lunch, and whatever is defrosted from the freezer for dinner.  I, for one, am no prodigy in the kitchen.  I do enjoy baking,  which I don't have enough time for anymore,  but coming up with new ways to eat the same old food is becoming a bit tiresome.  When your five year old tells you she doesn't like chicken, it's time to shake things up a bit. During the course of this experiment, I will try to prepare at least two new dishes a week of the very tired and true staples that make up the majority of the meals in our home.  I will then post my children's reaction to the dish and whether it will be prepared again, or given to the dog (who will be very happy with the crummy leftovers!). 
To give a little background on the Murray household, we make up a family of 5.  Mark, my husband, is a Diesel mechanic at a local school district.  Aiden, will be 5 this month, and starting kindergarten in a matter of days (yay!!!!!!!).  Carly, the baby, will be 2 in December and probably has the biggest appetite and most dietary challenges of us all.  Finally, there is Phineas, our beloved Lab, mixed with something or other, whom we rescued last year.  He will eat tomatoes, beans, and cucumbers right out the garden, even a pumpkin if you let him!

So there we have it, the challenge, the family, and the stakes.  If there is something you think I should try, I am open to suggestions.  We are very picky eaters, and something new will not only be good for us, but will get us out this rut.  So here's to not burning down the kitchen, happy bellies, and stronger families!  Eat up!